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Go on put your feet up… time to catch up with the WI-Flyers!

Presidents Post June 2024

Good evening all

I hope you have all had a good weekend even if the weather has not been as we would expect for June.

The new committee has had their first meeting. The officers are as follows:

President - Rachel Neudegg (as elected at the Annual Meeting)

Secretary - Tricia Dunne

Treasurer - Sue Blake.

We have been looking at the programme and making additions for the rest of the year. Head over here to see the programme. At the next meeting in June we will be handing you all a post it note! We would like you to put an idea on the note of a programme idea - speaker subject, craft idea, local charity for Christmas 2024. Have a think before you come. We are always happy to research ideas.

Our June meeting is with Kathryn Schlieben who is going to talk to us about health and well being. She will also do some seated yoga in her last 15 minutes.

In July we are going to try one of the Farnborough Heritage trails. We are going the St Peter’s Trail. This route will take 1.5 - 2 hours. More details to follow.

We have exciting plans to start another sub group here at the WI-flyers. We plan to call it the ‘Breaking Bread ‘ Sub Group. The idea of the group is to find some really good local food and go and try it out. It maybe a real good ‘burger van’ or a new and different restaurant. All welcome to come along and Emma V is researching our first eating venue! Watch out for news of a date and venue.

After the success of the John Pinkerton trip we are thinking about other day trips that can be organised - maybe Farnborough Abbey just as an example. Any other suggestions? Have you seen the photos in the photo album?

You all are welcome to have tea / coffee and cake at every meeting. For this we have a suggested donation. The suggested amount has not changed since 2012. As a committee we have decided to increase this donation to £2 from June 2024.

Although we use WhatsApp as a great method of communication - we do have a Facebook Page called WI-Flyers Chat. Feel free to head on over to Facebook. and search for us - so we will happily accept you!

I was very pleased to have had the opportunity to attend The NFWI Annual Meeting at The Royal Albert Hall on June 5th - what an amazing day. If you would like to read about it in more detail click here! It will give you an update on the resolution we voted for at the last meeting.

The committee and I look forward to seeing you on June 26th at the usual place ..Cove Cricket Club!

Have a good few days


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